This year, the Lifebanc Walk & Run conveniently falls on the day before our 25th Anniversary Picnic 2012!!
Plan to stay with us the whole weekend!
We will celebrate this momentous anniversary at this year's annual Celebration of Life Picnic. We will gather at the John Torok Community & Senior Center, 4224 Massillon Road (route 241 by the fire station and south of the new traffic circle), Green, Ohio 44232.
The Picnic is from 12:00pm to 4:00pm; burgers and hot dogs will be provided by TRIO. Thank you to Vicki from Sugardale/Freshmark Meats for providing the hot dogs since 1992. Thank you for Schwebel baking for providing the hot dog buns.
Everyone is welcome! Please bring a covered dish for the pot luck picnic table. Please tell Mary Fread or Nancy or Walt Hinkel what you are planning to bring.
Please pray for nice weather since Ray Golden spent last year’s picnic cooking in the rain. ;)
Photo from our picnic in 2010.