Friday, July 13, 2012

TRIO 25th Anniversary Picnic - August 12, 2012

This year, the Lifebanc Walk & Run conveniently falls on the day before our 25th Anniversary Picnic 2012!!  

Plan to stay with us the whole weekend!

We will celebrate this momentous anniversary at this year's annual Celebration of Life Picnic.  We will gather at the John Torok Community & Senior Center4224 Massillon Road (route 241 by the fire station and south of the new traffic circle), GreenOhio 44232.
The Picnic is from 12:00pm to 4:00pm; burgers and hot dogs will be provided by TRIO. Thank you to Vicki from Sugardale/Freshmark Meats for providing the hot dogs since 1992.  Thank you for Schwebel baking for providing the hot dog buns. 
Everyone is welcome!  Please bring a covered dish for the pot luck picnic table.  Please tell Mary Fread or Nancy or Walt Hinkel what you are planning to bring.
Please pray for nice weather since Ray Golden spent last year’s picnic cooking in the rain. ;)

Photo from our picnic in 2010.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Lifebanc Gift of Life Walk & Run: August 11, 2012

On August 11, 2012, Akron Canton TRIO will have two teams sponsored by members in this year's Lifebanc Gift of Life Walk & Run at Blossom Music Center
This will be the third year for Amanda Goodwin’s Race for Amanda team.
As a special incentive, all race participants who sign up early enough, we will be making Team Race for Amanda tshirts in addition to the complementary Lifebanc tshirts!!  To sign up for the team or to donate to Race for Amanda, go to: Amanda has a detailed page on her blog here.

Rosie Price and Pat Summers are organizing a new team this year, the Kidney Kats.  To sign up for their team or donate, go to:

No matter whose team you join, stop by the Akron Canton TRIO table during the event to catch up with us and share your story!  Hope to see you there!!

Team Race for Amanda, 2011

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

June 16 & 18: TRIO at the Flea Market!

From Dick Goddard and dogs to adopt, to a day bed and portable crib, to Coke chairs and a table, to Precious Moments and a real pop corn maker, there was something for everyone at this years Hartville Flea Market TRIO Booth.  It was another record year for Akron Canton TRIO.
Thank you to Ray and Susan Golden and Haley for all their efforts in collecting and selling all the items. 
Special thanks to Hartville Marketplace for generously donating a space and allowing us to attend each year.
Our TRIO Table

The Goldens running our TRIO table