
If you are interested in becoming a member or attending a meeting, we would love to have you! Please contact us (information listed below) You do not have to be a member to attend a meeting.

If you are on the list for a transplant, think you may qualify for a transplant, are a living donor, family of a donor, a support person, medical professional, or are simply interested in the transplant process, you are invited to come to a meeting.

Annual dues for membership are a modest $20 per family unit to cover meetings, special events, TRIO dues, and various overhead costs. If the membership fee is honestly an issue for you, please let us know. We will make sure you can still become a member.

Email: TRIOakroncanton (at) gmail (dot) com
Phone: 330.754.7904, Mary Fread
Mail: TRIO Akron-Canton, 1529 19th St NE, Canton OH 44714